Sunday 28 April 2024
08:00-09:00 | Registration | Foyer Hall | ||
09:00-10:00 | Opening Ceremony | Opening Ceremony Hall | ||
Technical Session 1: Keynote Speakers
10:00-10:20 | Keynote 1 | Digitalization in Water: Key to Security in the Realm of Risk of Cyber Insecurity; Hammou Laamrani, ESCWA | |
10:20-10:40 | Keynote 2 | Deep Neural Networks Application in Environmental and Water Resources Simulations; Mohammad Mahdi Rajabi, University of Luxembourg | |
10:40-11:00 | Keynote 3 | Navigating Water Scarcity and Supporting Food Security: Market-based Development of Sustainable Irrigation; Youssef Brouziyne, IWMI | |
11:00-11:20 | Keynote 4 | Updated WHO Guidelines and Tools on Water and Sanitation; Rola Al-Emam, WHO | |
11:20-11:40 | Keynote 5 | Economics of Water under Climate Change in Arab Countries: a Policy Perspective; Mohamed Abdrabo, University of Alexandria |
11:40–12:30 | Prayer and Refreshments Break |
Special Session | |
12:30-13:30 | SS1: Water MIS for Efficient Integrated Water Resource Management; UNESCO Doha Office |
13:30-14:30 | SS2: Using Technology to Bridge the Data Gap for Efficient Management of Agricultural water; FAO-RNE |
14:30-15:30 | SS3: De-carbonization Pathways in the Water Sector in the GCC Countries (GCC reps); GCC-SG |
15:30 | Lunch |
Training Workshop
16:00-19:30 | Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the GCC countries: How to unlock the power of data?; provided by IWMI (attendance by registration) |
Monday 29 April, 2024
Technical Session 2A: Desalination Management |
Technical Session 3A: Surface Water & Groundwater Management |
08:00-08:20 | Keynote Speaker: Revolutionizing Desalination: KISR’s Breakthrough Projects Addressing Water Crisis Challenges; Mansour Ahmed, KISR, Kuwait | Keynote Speaker: Airborne VHF Sounding Radar for Desert Subsurface Exploration of Shallow Aquifers: DESERT-SEA; Essam Heggy, QEERI, Qatar (online) |
08:20-08:35 | Fuel Allocation in Water and Power Cogeneration Desalination Plant; Ibrahim Al-Mutaz, Saudi Arabia | Flood Hazard Maps Generation caused by hypothetical failure of the Tabaqa Dam by use of HEC-RAS 2D model; Sadeq Sulaiman, Iraq |
08:35-08:50 | Environmental Impacts of Desalination on Coastal Ecosystems in the GCC Countries: Gaps Analysis, Challenges and Opportunities; Thamer Ali, Bahrain | Assessing the hydrological and hydraulic behaviour of an arid catchment which determines flood impacts in the Dhofar governorate, Oman |
08:50-09:05 | Emerging Brine Management Approaches for Sustainable Desalination in The GCC Countries; Syed Javaid Zaidi, Qatar |
Development of Flood Risk Mapping and Mitigation Strategies for Al-Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia; Ibrahim Elsbaie, Saudi Arabia |
09:05-09:20 | Assessing Solar-driven Desalination in Saudi Arabia for Sustainable Energy Future: A Thermodynamic Approach for Universal Energy Efficiency with a Standard Solar Energy (SSE) Platform; Raid Alrowais, Saudi Arabia | Hydrological Assessment of the weather state “Madar 22”: Implications for Water Resources Management” in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Yousry E. Mattar, Saudi Arabia |
09:20-09:35 | Advanced GC-MS-SIM Method for Simultaneous Determination of Bisphenol-A and Phthalic Acid Esters (PAEs) in Seawater; Mohammed Akkbik, Qatar | Atmospheric Water Generation in Qatar: A Sustainable Approach for Extracting Water from Air Powered by Solar Energy; Aiyad Gannan, Qatar |
09:35-09:45 | Discussion | Discussion |
09:45-10:00 | Break | |
Technical Session 2B: Desalination Management | Technical Session 3B: Surface Water & Groundwater Management | |
10:00-10:20 Keynotes |
Keynote Speaker: Oil Spill Management to Prevent Catastrophic Shutdown of Desalination Plants; Zhaoyang Liu, QEERI, Qatar | Keynote Speaker: New Developments in Mathematical Modeling of Groundwater Systems; Abdelkader Larabi, Université Mohammed V, Morocco |
10:20-10:35 | Performance analysis of hemispherical solar still using activated carbon as a coating material; Ravishankar Sathyamurthy, Saudi Arabia |
Sustainable Groundwater Management for Utilization in Agricultural Projects (Case study); Rafal Ghassan, Iraq |
10:35-10:50 | Oxide Activated Carbon for Seawater Desalination Using Solar Energy; Wafa Al Rawahi, Oman |
Assessment of Groundwater Quality and its Implications for Drinking Purposes in Najran Southern Saudi Arabia; Abdulnoor Ghanim, Saudi Arabian Gulf University |
10:50-11:05 | Realizable energy savings in a SWRO desalination plant based on hybridization with Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO): A parametric study; Ahmad Al Ghamdi, Saudi Arabia | Using MODFLOW to Evaluate Technical Feasibility of Operating Small RO Units with Shallow Groundwater Wells in Kuwait; Amjad Aliewi, Kuwait |
11:05-11:20 | An Innovative Approach to Desalination and Cooling Using Forward Osmosis with Thermal Recovery and Vapor Absorption Cycle/Multiobjective Optimization of Innovative Renewable Energy-Powered Desalination and Cooling System: A Cutting-Edge Approach; Hassan Abdulrahim, Kuwait ; Hassan Abdulrahim, Kuwait | Assessment of groundwater suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes using physicochemical parameters at Al-Jouf Area, Saudi Arabia; Raid Alrowais, Saudi Arabia |
11:20-11:30 | Discussion | Discussion |
11:30-13:00 | Prayer and Lunch |
Special Sessions | ||
13:00-14:00 | SS4: Effective Management of the Municipal Water Sector, ACUWA |
SS5: Frontiers in Water Science and Technology Research: UNESCO and the International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development, UNESCO Cairo Office |
Technical Session 4: Integrated Water Management |
Technical Session 3C: Surface Water & Groundwater Management |
14:00-14:20 | Technology-based water conservation strategy in Kuwait’s household sector: A diffusion of innovation approach; Hamad Alazmi, Kuwait | Keynote Speaker: Artificial Intelligence Application in Hydrogeology and Groundwater Management; Khalid ElHaj, UAE University |
14:20-14:35 | Water Demand Forecast using Machine Learning; Waleed Eldamaty, UAE | Keynote Speaker: Mainstreaming the Outcome of the UN Groundwater Summit within the Arab Strategy for Water Security; Bisher Imam, UNESCO (online) |
14:35-14:50 | System Dynamics Model to Study the Effect of Different Policies on Bahrain Hydrological Processes; Abrar Habib, Bahrain | Groundwater aquifers susceptibility index of Waterborne Diseases Outbreaks (ASIWD) in Nile Delta, Egypt; Osama Sallam, UAE (online by coauthor) |
14:50-15:05 | Assessment of the Sustainability of Water Management System in the Sultanate of Oman, A Case Study of Al-Batha Basin; Yaser Alsaadi, Oman | Feasibility and Site Investigation Study for Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Application for Water Supply in Arid Areas, Case study from Oman; Ali AlMaktoumi, Oman |
15:05-15:20 | Implementation Status of IWRM in GCC Countries According to UN-SDGs; Mohamed Shamrukh, Qatar | Civil Society Participation in Constructing Small Storage Dams, The Experience of the Sultanate of Oman; Ali Al-Hamdi, Oman |
15:20-15:35 | Discussion | Discussion |
Training Workshop | ||
16:00-19:30 | WHO’s Sanitation Safety Plan (SSP) Tool; provided by WHO (attendance by registration) |
Tuesday 30 April, 2024
Special Sessions
08:00-09:00 | SS6: Privatization and Regulatory aspects of water utilities, ACWUA and WSTA |
SS7: Antimicrobial Resistance in Wastewater: a Global Threat; UNEP |
Technical Session 5A: Agricultural Water Management |
Technical Session 6A: Wastewater Management |
09:00-09:20 | Keynote Speaker: Climate Change and Water Scarcity: Strategies for Sustainable Agricultural Water Use; Kamel Mustafa Alsayed, AOAD | Keynote Speaker: Electricity Generation and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Using Microbial Fuel Cell; Abdullah Al-Matouq, KISR, Kuwait |
09:20-09:40 | Keynote Speaker: Addressing Climate Change Risks on Water and Food Security in the Arab Region, Vinay Nangia; ICARDA | Keynote Speaker: Advanced Wastewater Treatment using Functionalized Membranes; Mohammed Al Abri, SQU, Sultanate of Oman |
09:40-10:00 | Keynote Speaker: Biosaline Agriculture in the GCC; Khalil Ammar, ICBA, UAE | Keynote Speaker: Business Model for Small-Scale Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management, Case Study Jordan; Emad Karabliah, University of Jordan |
10:00-10:15 | Discussion | Discussion |
10:15-10:30 | Break | |
Technical Session 5B: Agricultural Water Management | Technical Session 6B: Wastewater Management | |
10:30-10:45 | Developing a Sensor-based Agricultural Water Management System for Irrigation Scheduling, Automation, and Optimization; Farhat Abbas, Qatar | Comparative Wastewater Quality Indicators and Multivariate Analysis of Riyadh Sewage Treatment Plants and its Impact on Irrigation of Riyadh District, Saudi Arabia; Ahmed Elfeky, Saudi Arabia |
10:45-11:00 | The Role of Information Technology in Treating Soil Logging and Salinization in Diyala Governorate; Mohamed Hachim, Iraq | Ecofriendly and Low-cost Adsorbent for Efficient Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution; Amal Al Rahbi, Oman |
11:00-11:15 | Treated Wastewater Application in Urban Agriculture; Ahmed Al-Busaidi; Oman | Towards a Novel Wastewater Treatment Process: A Submerged Membrane Elector-Bioreactor (SMEBR)-Simultaneous Biodegradation, Electrocoagulation and Membrane Filtration; Khalid Bani-Melhem, Qatar |
11:15-11:30 | Towards Sustainable Water Management: Leveraging Soil Moisture Sensors for Smart Irrigation in the GCC; Hassan Ali, Qatar | Wastewater Industrial Database for Total Nitrogen in Shuaiba Area in Kuwait; Adel Alhaddad, Kuwait |
11:30-11:45 | Strategic Water Management for Improved Tomato Yield and Quality in Greenhouse Environments with Different Water Quality; Akram Alshami, Saudi Arabia | Activated Sludge with Adsorption Regeneration Sludge (ARS) Performance for Mixed Industrial Wastewater Treatment; Mohamed Ahmed, Kuwait |
11:45-12:00 | Farmers’ Attitude Towards the Use of Treated Wastewater in Irrigation, the case of Saudi Arabia; Abdulrahman Alablan, Saudi Arabia | Green Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles for Wastewater Treatment; Amal Al Rahbi, Oman |
12:00-12:15 | Discussion | Discussion |
12:15-12:30 | Short Break | |
12:30-13:00 | Session 7: Conference Conclusion and Recommendations | |